By a Joint Ministerial Decision of the Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance Mr Papathanasis and the Minister of Environment and Energy Mr Skylakakis, the joint decision of the Ministers of Finance, Development and Investment and Environment and Energy “Announcement of the “Photovoltaic Roof” Programme” was amended.
Read below the full text of the amendment decision:
Article 1
We amend the joint decision of the Ministers of Finance, Development and Investment and Environment and Energy “Announcement of the “Photovoltaics in Roofs” Programme” (B’ 2903), under the reference YPEN/YDEN/47129/720/28.04.2023, in accordance with article 68 of Law No. 4986/2022, as follows:
After par. 5 of Article 4, the following paragraph is added. 6 as follows:
“6. The right to participate in the Programme of a submitted application for funding shall not be transferable. Transfer of the right shall be granted only in the event of the compulsory death of the beneficiary. In this case, the right to transfer the application for funding shall be established upon approval of the application in accordance with Article 12. After the legal procedures on succession, the rights and obligations towards the Programme will be transferred to a legal heir and who will be declared as the successor of the application in the Programme. The successor may also be a Beneficiary for another consumption benefit under the current Program. By accepting designation as a new Beneficiary, the successor must accept all obligations arising under the Program. Without prejudice to the closing date of the Article 13 Programme, the period from the declaration of death until the completion of the succession procedure shall be excluded from any project deadlines.”
Paragraph 3 of Article 9 is replaced by the following:
“3. The management costs of the TEN-TSO for the fulfilment of the tasks undertaken by the TEN-TSO as the Programme Manager and Programme Implementing Agency shall be covered by the overall budget of the Programme. The budget for management costs shall have a maximum expenditure of 800.000 € charged to the SAB 075. The amount of the management costs is set at EUR 120 per completed beneficiary file. Completion of the dossier/application is defined as the stage of final assessment for disbursement of the aid or final withdrawal.
Payment of management costs shall be made in instalments as follows:
α) fifty per cent (50 %) of the budget for management costs under this Article, as an advance payment, shall be paid within two (2) months from the date of the start of the submission of applications for inclusion in the Programme.
(b) A percentage of ten percent (10%) of the administrative costs of completed files shall be paid in four (4) semi-annual instalments, for the proper and smooth monitoring of the progress of the Programme. The payment of the semi-annual instalments shall commence at the end of the second semester of 2023 (1st semi-annual instalment).
(c) The remaining amount shall be paid upon the administrative closure of the Programme.
(d) The management expenditure shall be proportionate to the public expenditure incurred for the programme and in any case shall not exceed the maximum expenditure set out above.
(e) If the TEN-EPA fails to meet its obligations, the Minister of Environment and Energy shall, by decision of the Minister of Environment and Energy, impose a reduction of the management costs.
Paragraph 2 of Article 14 is replaced by the following:
“2. In particular, it is noted that:
(a) photocopies of retail transaction documents (e.g. retail sales receipts, service receipts) issued should be signed and stamped by the issuer (supplier),
(b) cash payment of expenses is not allowed,
(c) the installed capacity of the photovoltaic system in the request for connection activation and respectively in the connection completion certificate issued by the DEDDIE may deviate by up to 500w from the capacity indicated in the relevant Connection Agreement and respectively in the relevant funding application.
d) the nominal capacity of the storage system (kVA) in the request for activation and respectively in the certificate of connection completion issued by the TSO may deviate from the nominal capacity indicated in the relevant Connection Agreement and respectively in the relevant application for financing.
(e) the capacity of the storage system indicated in the Connection Completion Certificate issued by the TSO may differ from the capacity indicated in the relevant funding application.
For the above points c) d) and e), no modification of the existing connection contract and the funding application is required from the user and the amount of the grant paid to the beneficiary is based on the installed capacity of the photovoltaic plant and the capacity of the storage system indicated in the certificate of connection completion, and in any case cannot exceed the maximum amount of the grant originally approved and committed.
In any other case where there are discrepancies in validity, subject to paragraphs c), d) and e), the Beneficiary is required to amend the relevant Connection Agreement without resubmitting a new application for funding.”.
4. Paragraph 4 of Article 15 is replaced by the following:
“4) Contacting the Beneficiary to fill in possible gaps or to provide any clarifications on the submitted supporting documents and supporting documents referred to in Articles 11 and 14, respectively. Upon completion of the verification, the PPO shall update the final grant amount on the basis of the technical characteristics indicated in the connection completion certificate submitted by the Beneficiary in accordance with Article 14. In case the verification reveals that the Beneficiary falls into a different Beneficiary Category based on his/her individual or family income, the final grant amount shall be adjusted according to the category he/she falls into and shall be paid subject to the availability of resources in that category. In any case, the final certified amount of the grant may not exceed the amount of the grant initially committed in accordance with Article 12.”
You can find the article by clicking on the link