According to data available to TASSIS Energy from the PV systems that it maintains (residential and parks), 1 in 3 systems has significant technical failures and errors that usually exist from the initial installation and are detected during the first regular technical inspection! Failures and faults that are capable of being a strong source of risk to the equipment, the building, the environment and people.
Below you can see indicative failures and their respective consequences:

Error: Incorrect frame support
Cause: Bad installer practice

Consistency: Frame detachment/risk of damage

Error: Insulation panel
Cause: Bad installer practice

Consistency: Equipment destruction / Insect-water entry

Error: Shading Cause: Design / installation failure

Consistency: Reduction of total energy production

Error: Wasp nests in the frames
Cause: Absence of maintenance

Consistency: Equipment destruction/fire hazard

Error: Incorrect wiring
Cause: Bad installer practice

Consistency: Equipment destruction/Danger to human life

Error: Inverter fan block Cause:Absence of maintenance

Consistency: Reduction of total energy production